Finding and Embracing Your Child’s Learning Style


Every child is unique in many ways, from how they dress on weekends to how they learn in the classroom. At our Brevard private schools, we believe diversity makes the world beautiful. Figuring out a child’s learning style can help your child find her way in the world. While most children don’t fit into one mold, embracing characteristics of learning styles helps children get the most out of their education. Here is our guide to finding your child’s learning style. 


If your child loves music and reading out loud, she may be an auditory learner. These children learn best through their sense of hearing. Auditory learners understand concepts better when they are explained out loud. Sounds like drum beats and clapping, as well as word play and language patterns, help the information sink in. If your child doesn’t understand directions, she might say “tell me again.” To help an auditory learner thrive, encourage her to read and study out loud. Consider having her record lessons and play them back. If she struggles with a concept, encourage her to talk it out. 



Fans of bright colors, diagrams and demonstrations, visual learners thrive when their sense of sight is engaged. This style of learning is the basis of traditional teaching methods. These children love to draw and paint, which enriches their learning experience. Encourage your visual learner to doodle and generously highlight her notes. While these children do well when they can see what they’re learning about, they can also be easily distracted by other visuals. If your child learns this way, make sure her study space is free of visual distractions. 


Reading and Writing

Some visual learners love bright colors and fun shapes. Others learn by reading and writing alone. Reading and writing-oriented learners tend to be strong writers. Written handouts, PowerPoint slides and written assignments are sufficient. Unlike many who zone out when looking at a big “wall of text,” these children are skilled at siphoning through dense, text-heavy information. While some children take long, unfocused notes, these children should be encouraged to take highly detailed notes. These learners are happiest when surrounded by books, so if this sounds like your child, it may be time to get a library card. 



Touch, movement, and motion are the ways of the kinesthetic learner. This type of learner often says “let me see that” and means “let me hold that.” Models and interactive displays engage them in the learning material. These children take items apart to see how they work. Kinesthetic learners like to model with clay and are fond of books with pop-ups and textures. To help these learners thrive, give them items to hold. Blocks help with math and design. Letter-shaped magnets make spelling practice fun. Standing desks and exercise ball chairs help by encouraging movement. If your child uses rhythmic motions while studying, embrace it. A kinesthetic learner will work best when she doesn’t have to sit still.

Teachers at Brevard private schools encourage students to explore their own learning styles to prepare for life beyond the classroom. We challenge students to be creative and critical thinkers who integrate faith, moral leadership, and compassionate service to make a better world. Through a low student-teacher ratio, classroom technology, and a variety of enrichment activities, we strive to inspire excellence in our students. Contact us to learn more!


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